Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone has spent weeks stuck at home, unable to go about their regular lives. This means not getting into your favorite salon for haircuts, manicures and other beauty services. With all of the stress of staying home while the world faces these uncertain circumstances, take some time to treat yourself to an at-home facial in Palatine, IL. Giving yourself a facial at home As much as we would all love for the world to get back to normal sooner rather than later, we have to be patient as the country attempts to flatten the curve.... View Article
Categories for Facials
Why Winter Is a Great Time to Consider Getting a Facial
Scheduling regular facials is a great way to ensure your skin remains healthy and radiant year-round, but the many benefits that a facial can provide become even more important during the winter months. Because the winter is such a dry and dreary time of year, it will be imperative to take all of the necessary steps you can to keep yourself protected so the next few months don’t wreak havoc on your facial skin care routine. Read on to learn about just a few of the reasons why now is a great time to schedule a winter facial in Palatine,... View Article
The Benefits of Spa Hydrafacials
For people with acne-prone skin or skin showing signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles, facials in Palatine, IL offer a method of rejuvenating and cleansing the skin. Today, there are a lot of facials to choose from, and selecting the perfect one for your skin might get difficult. Fortunately, a new form of esthetician technology called the hydrafacial is transforming the way people can take care of their skin. The hydrafacial is a hydrating and rejuvenating facial technique that is good for all skin types and doesn’t lead to irritation. For these reasons and many more, hydrafacials... View Article
Our hormone levels will naturally change multiple times throughout our lives, as they’re affected by our age, health and even certain medications we take. While this can influence the function of our primary organs, it can also change the appearance and texture of our hair, nails and skin. If you find that you’re having issues with these elements of your image, hormones might be to blame. Before you head to a salon in Palatine, IL, learn first how a shift in hormones can affect your body and what beauty treatments can help reverse any negative effects. Hormone Effects on Skin... View Article
The Benefits of Hydrafacial Treatments
It’s no secret that technological advancements are occurring across industries at a rapid-fire pace. Did you know that these advances are also occurring in the beauty industry? New beauty treatments are continuing to change the way that people interact with salons and beauty services providers. Hydrafacial treatments are one of the latest types of beauty therapies you can obtain from a spa in Palatine, IL. These new and innovative treatments allow beauticians to maximize and extend your natural beauty while caring for your skin and ensuring that it’s as healthy as possible. Hydrafacial treatments are holistic beauty therapies that combine... View Article